
Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Cara Memasang Kabel UTP

How do I install the UTP cable

If for the course very expensive network, and should take another also cisco certificate, for that I membagi2 science that could be used as possible;

Own learning pairs of UTP cable for network


This brief is perfect for you who are making the network

computers 'cheap', especially of more than two clients pake

hub (much cheaper than a router). To the point! What cable

UTP that? UTP cable is a special cable for data transmission. UTP, stands for "unshielded Twisted Pair". Called

unshielded because less resistant to electromagnetic interference.

Twisted pair and called for its cable partners

aka spiral arranged berlilitan each. There are 5 categories of UTP cable. From category 1 to category 5. For the well-known computer network is a category 3 and category 5.


3 can be used for data transmission up to 10 mbps, while the category 5 to

100 mbps. If only for such computer networks in offices or

campus or a cafe, the most efficient use of category yes 3. The

already more than cukup.Setahu

author there are many brands on the market, only the

famous stubborn and relatively inexpensive is Belden brand - made in USA.

If you want a cheaper and use a lot, then buy it

one box, approximately 150 meters long. Do not forget to buy

connector. Connector plug shaped like a phone only

greater. Just tell me want to buy RJ-45 connectors.

Photo of RJ - 45 who are still new, not yet in gencet pake tang


again a very important, you must have a special pliers for installing

connector to the UTP cable, the term term is "Crimp tool". This tool

point to 'turn off' or 'planting' connector to UTP cable. Be

it was the 'star', then it can not be removed again connector.

And if you want a more OK, I'll not bear the same buy a

LAN tester. You can buy the brand from Taiwan just to make it more

cheap. Shaped like a box and its LED lights and eight pairs

be sealed and off.


udah equipment ready now, writers start. In general,

UTP cabling is there are two types, namely type of straight and

type of cross. Type is called straight because each cable

8 numbers 1-1 that correspond directly. While called a cross

because there are crosses on the composition of the cord. Confused? OK!

For the straight type is used to connect the cable from the client

to the hub. As for the type of cross is to direct client

connected to the client (cpu to cpu) or also from hub to hub.

We first discuss the types of straight


This is most easily made. Why? Because direct

corresponding 1-1. Standard order this (viewed from the hole

connectors, from left to right - see Figure 4): 2 orange - green 1 - 2

blue - green 1 - 2 brown. 2

orange orange here means young couples same old orange and

onwards. But do not come standard staining was also true

no problem. The important sequence cord. For example the first end of the sequence

young orange pin first, then the other end of the first pin sequence

too young to orange, so between the end of each disconnected. Actually, not all pins are used.


important is the pin numbers 1,2,3 and 6. So for example, which are connected only

pins 1,2,3 and 6 while the other pins are not installed, not so

trouble. For more details please see the picture below the

author photo from a book.

Who left the order for the type of correspondence straight, the right is a cross


would put it, the cut end of the cord, then arrange the cord

trus flattened with a knife cut on Crimp tool. Andak

not have to bother to release the insulation at the end of the cable,

because when you insert the cable into the connector and pressed

(pressed) by using Crimp tool, it is time that pin

in the connector to penetrate into the cable. Consider, for

penekannya (pressing) is hard, because if not hard sometimes pin

it does not penetrate into the cable insulation. If it was then

Your test using the LAN tester. Insert the tip end of the cable to the

device, then switch it on, if the light that led to the LAN tester

burn all, from number 1 to 8 means that you have been successful. If

there is one that does not work means the possibility of the pin number

is a problem. The simplest way is that you press (press) more

using pliers. Possible pins not penetrating. If you have

press but still does not connect, then check to see corresponding

udah between pins 1-1 or not. If it is correct and still

fail, then indeed you are not lucky. Repeat again until it works.

LAN TESTER - a tool to check the cable connection is correct or not. For the type of straight if true then 1 to 8 led is blinking.


is the image of the bottom of the end of the UTP cable that have been fitted

connectors and works well (the pin go coloring sequence


standard pin order


if that is not standard, consider the sequence of color pins,

is not standard, but still could be, an important

corresponding one-one (special type of straight):

NOT pin standard sequence

Cross Type

For the type of cross was used to connect directly between the two

PC, or are generally used to connect between the hub.

(eg for plugs in the hub is less). How to install also

really easy, just like a straight type, pin is used also

actually it is only 4 pins, namely pins 1, 2, 3 and 6. Different

is how to pair. If the type of cross, pin 1 is connected to pins

3 other end, pin 2 to 6, pin 3 to pin 1 and 6 to 2. Practical

this, the first end of the pin you can set up standards for

the type "straight", while at the other end you are collated

create a standard pin type "cross". Still confused? Here's how easy it is: The first tip:

1. young orange

2. old orange

3. green

4. blue

5. navy

6. dark green

7. brown

8. sepia

So at the other end should be made like this:

1. green

2. dark green

3. young orange

4. blue

5. navy

6. old orange

7. brown

8. sepia


a little more understanding? So here's position number 1, 2, 3 and 6 are

exchanged. Later when tested using the LAN tester, then later led 1,

2, 3 and 6 will be exchanged. If menyalanya straight type sequence,

while there are cross type jumping. But that would be

menyalasemua each led from the numbers 1 to 8.OK, congratulations to build computer networks. Hopefully

You can work when installing the connector on the cord. Good science

This is useful for you, because when the first author had made

network hilarious results, to strip the cord authors still

using a cutter, but had no facilities in toolnya Crimp.

In addition the ends of each cable peel authors again use

cutter, but that did not need to peel one-one, let alone

average, because later when the 'Crimp tool' then these pins

each will penetrate into the cord. Hopefully you do not

doing the same thing as writing dulu.Demikian authors on how to make UTP cable connection to computer networks. May be useful for you all. Thank you.

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