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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Simpan halaman web untuk dibaca offline [Google Chrome]

Ketika kita menemukan artikel di internet baik tutorial, artikel, panduan atau tulisan menarik lainnya, kadang kita ingin agar artikel tersebut bisa disimpan di komputer dan dibaca secara offline tanpa koneksi internet. Tetapi dengan menyimpan biasa, terkadang halaman tidak akan tampil sempurna, lalu bagaimana solusinya ?
Bagi pengguna Google Chrome, ada Extensions atau semacam plugins yang bisa kita tambahkan (install) untuk menyimpan halaman web secara utuh dan bisa dibaca offline (tanpa koneksi internet). Bagi pengguna web browser lain semisal Firefox, saya juga pernah mengulas untuk menyimpan halaman website menggunakan plugins Mozilla Archive Format /MAFF atau teknik lainnya (bisa dibaca Menyimpan Satu Halaman penuh Website (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) atau Tips menyimpan sebuah halaman web secara utuh).
Sebenarnya ada beberapa extension Chrome yang bisa kita gunakan, sebelumnya saya pernah menggunakan Chromium Scrapbook, dan sampai saat ini masih berjalan normal dan bisa digunakan. Sayangnya Scrapbook ini sudah dihentikan pengembangannya, meskipun masih bisa digunakan. Alternatif lain yang tidak kalah bagus adalah PageArchiver.

PageArchiver merupakah extensions Google Chrome yang mempunyai fitur mirip dengan Scrapbook, tetapi lebih lengkap. Fitur-fiturnya antara lain :
  • Menyimpan halaman web (arsip) secara utuh agar bisa dibaca offline
  • Export atau import file dalam bentuk HTML, sehingga bisa dibaca (pindah) secara terpisah di luar PageArchiver
  • Mengedit halaman web yang sudah disimpan dengan fitur dari PageArchiver
  • Menambahkan tags dan rating untuk arsip yang sudah disimpan
  • Filter dengan kata tertentu untuk mencari arsip yang sudah disimpan
  • Mengurutkan arsip atau halaman yang sudah disimpan berdasar tanggal, judul, url, tag dan lainnya
  • Bisa melakukan pencarian melalui omnibox dengan mengetikkan ‘pa’ di alamat URL chrome
  • Bookmark dan menyimpan arsip dengan Ctrl+S
Melihat fitur-fiturnya sepertinya lebih lengkap dari Scrapbook, dan setelah dicoba memang saya lihat lebih unggul, terutama dari fitur-fitur dan kemudahan penggunaan, sehingga sepertinya mulai beralih menggunakan extensions ini.

Penggunaan PageArchiver

Untuk menggunakan extension ini, download PageArchiver dan install di google chrome. Sebagai catatan, extension ini memerlukan “SingleFile Core” yang juga harus di install, bisa langsung install dari halaman SingleFile Core.
Setelah di install, di toolbar Google Chrome akan tampil icon seperti “open Folder” yang menunjukkan bahwa PageArchiver sudah aktif dan bisa kita gunakan. Untuk menyimpan halaman website, buka dulu halaman website yang ingin kita simpan, lalu klik icon PageArchiver dan pilih menu “tabs”. Selanjutnya kita bisa memilih tab atau artikel mana yang akan disimpan ( pilih dengan memberi tanda check dan klik tombol “save” dan tunggu proses penyimpanan selesai)

Setelah halaman website tersimpan kita bisa melihat melalui PageArchiver melalui menu atau link Archives. Tersedia beberapa menu, seperti Open (untuk membuka halaman web), Delete, Tags dan Export (untuk menyimpan arsip menjadi sebuah file html yang bisa dibuka secara terpisah).
Untuk mengedit halaman website, PageArchiver juga memberikan fitur menarik. Buka halaman website dengan PAgeArchiver kemudian klik tombol yang ada di pojok kanan atau untuk menampilkan menu editor. Selanjutnya setelah kita edit halaman web ini bisa kita simpan.

Jika halaman yang kita simpan sudah banyak, kita juga bisa mencari melalui alamat URL di google chrome. Ketikkan saja kata ‘pa’ (tanpa tanda petik) dan ikuti dengan spasi, maka otomatis akan tampil “Page Archiver” dan kita bisa mencari artikel yang sudah tersimpan.


Identifying the injection


In this tutorial, you will learn how to use The Mole to exploit SQL Injections, extracting
data from the database and reading files from the vulnerable server.
In order to read a complete reference of The Mole's commands and how to use them, please
visit (btw, thanks to Sébastien Damaye for writing
such a complete guide!).
If you happen to encounter some problem when exploiting an SQL Injection, caused by
some filter or IPS used by the target server, please visit our filters tutorial.
Before we start, you must know what is required in order to exploit a SQL Injection using
The Mole. Once you have found a vulnerable script, you have to find a string which normally
appears in the web page, but does not appear when you negate the query which is
being executed on the database(by modifying the vulnerable parameter).

Identifying the injection

This example will be shown using this test site:
Okay, assuming we don't know there's a SQL Injection, we will ensure there is one on
the parameter "id". We negate the query which will be executed in the database, and try
to find the string above mentioned.
Fine, we see the string "admin" has disappeared. We will provide this string to The Mole and
exploit the injection.

Exploiting the injection

First of all, we execute The Mole using the parameter "-u" to indicate which URL
 we will be using, and "-n" to indicate the needle/string. Our command should look like this:
./ -u '' -n 'admin'
The mole will start and give us a prompt:
Notice that by default, the last parameter on the URL is used as the vulnerable 
parameter. If you want to specify another parameter as the vulnerable one, you can 
use the "-p" command line argument, or use the "injectable_field" command.

Windows users

Windows users shoud be aware that when using the "-u" command line argument, the "&"
characters have to be escaped manually using the "^" character. Therefore, if the URL has
two parameters, it should look like this:
mole.exe -u^&id=1 -n 'admin'
You can also set the URL by using the "url" command, so you can paste the URL without
quoting it. The needle can also be set using the "needle" command.

Okay, we are ready to go. First of all, we want to know which databases are available
on the system. The command "schemas" will dump their names.

The Mole has done two things here:
  • Find exploitation parameters, such as number of columns, the comment to be 
  • used, the back-end database, the number of parenthesis, etc.
  • Once it has been initialized, it dumps the database names, using back-end database 
  • specific queries.
Note that the initialization phase is done only once. Moving on, we will dump the tables
in the "test" database. The "tables" command does that, and requires the database name as
 its argument:

Great! There's a "users" table! Now we need to find the columns of that table. The "columns"
command requires the name of the database and table name as its arguments.

We see 3 columns, id, username and password. Now it's time to dump those hashes :D. The "query" command requires the database name, the table name, and a list of comma-separated columns to dump. Alternatively, you could use '*' in the columns field, but we don't want to dump the "id" column right now, so we will do it manually. Remember that The Mole provides nice autocompletion features, so the database, table and column names will be autocompleted whenever you press the TAB key.

Nice! We've got the administrator's credentials. However, when we dumped the database names, we could see "mysql", so we probably have mysql root privileges. Let's find out by using the "dbinfo" command, which will dump the database user, name and version.

Ha, thought so, we have root privileges. Okay, lets try reading a file by using the "readfile" command, which expects the filename to be read as its argument. We will read /etc/passwd as an example.

Okay, now we move on to the handy commands which will make things faster. Imagine we don't know which tables exist on the "mysql" table. In this case, the injection goes quite fast, since it can be exploited through the union technique, however, Blind SQL Injections are pretty common. In the latter case, dumping the name of every table in a certain database can be quite slow. In this case, we will use the "find_users_table" command, which tries to find a table name in a certain database which "looks like" it might contain usernames and passwords(based on its name). Note that this command does not use any metadata database/table, such as information_schema.tables, so it can be used in scenarios where the back-end database is a Mysql < 5, which does not contain the information_schema databse.
This command contains a small list of names, you can artenatively use "find_tables" which tries to find tables using a list provided by you.

As expected, mysql.user exists :D. Now we will use another command which will be more useful, but requires information_schema(or any other DBMS database which serves the same purpose) to exist. The "find_tables_like" command requires a database as its first argument and a string which will be used to search for database names. You can use the '%' wildcard, or any other database specific. As an example, we will find all tables that contain the substring "ABLE".

Going back to the "query" command, we can use some extra parameters which will be useful under certain situations. We can limit the number of rows to be dumped and/or indicate the first index from which to start the dump(0-index based). This prints only one row, starting from the second index.
We can also indicate a "where condition", in order to only dump rows which match it.

To sum up, here's a video of The Mole exploiting a SQL Injection, using both union and blind techniques.

That is all right now. This tutorial will be extended soon. Hope you find it useful!

#sumber :

Filters tutorial

This tutorial will explain the filters available on The Mole. Filters can be used when there is some kind of IDS/IPS on the target server which is preventing us from successfully exploiting an injection. When this situation happens, you may want to apply one or more filters in order to try to bypass the filtering performed by the server.
Filters are separated into 3 categories:
Query filters
These are applied to the SQL query being performed. There are several Query Filters:
  • between
  • This filter can be used when the target server applies some kind of XSS filtering, which as a consequence removes the greater(>) and lower(<) characters. When this happens, blind exploitation will most certainly fail, since this technique uses queries that contain these characters to guess the information available on the database. This filter converts expressions like '.... and 1 < (select length(user()))' to '.... and 1 between 0 and (select length(user())) - 1'. To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add between
  • case
  • This filter randomizes the query's case. The case filter can be used to bypass some simple IPS which detects strings like "select" or "union" and exits the script whenever it finds one. By using this filter, queries like "... union all select 1,2,username,4 from blah.users" will be converted to "... UNioN alL seLEcT 1,2,uSErNaME,4 FrOM blah.users", which will bypass that simple filter. To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add case
  • mssqlcollation
  • This filter is not intended to bypass an IPS. On SQL Server, sometimes when you try to perform an union and the involved tables contain different collations, the resulting query will fail due to a mix of collations. This filter enables the user to perform these kinds of queries successfully. When you use this filter, queries like ".... select cast(blah as varchar(100)) from foo" will be converted to ".... select (cast(blah as varchar(100)) COLLATE __COLLATION__) from foo", where __COLLATION__ is the selected collation. By default, __COLLATION__ is DATABASE_DEFAULT, but you can change it when adding the filter, or after is has been added using the "config" parameter. To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add mssqlcollation
    To set the collation when adding the filter, execute:
    qfilter add mssqlcollation THE_COLLATION
    If you want to change the collation after the filter has been added, use the config parameter:
    qfilter config mssqlcollation collation THE_COLLATION
    Sometimes, while you need to use the COLLATE clause, some fields involved in an union statement must not contain the COLLATE clause, otherwise the query fails. In this cases, you can add those special fields to the mssqlcollation filter blacklist. Fields included in this blacklist will be skipped when adding the COLLATE clause to the query.
    In order to add fields to the blacklist, execute(after the filter has been enabled):
    qfilter config mssqlcollation blacklist add field1 field2 field3
    In order to remove a field from the blacklist, execute:
    qfilter config mssqlcollation blacklist del field
  • noasterisk
  • This is a pretty dump filter. Sometimes, the target server filters queries that contain an asterisk. This filter replaces the asterisk character with a "1" character. This is very unusual, but once in a whil, it can be useful. To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add noasterisk
  • parenthesis
  • Sometimes, the target server filters the queries in such a way that whenever it finds a space character and some SQL keywords like 'and' or '=' around it, it drops the query. This can sometimes be bypassed by using parenthesis around spaces. When enabling this filter, queries like "...and 1=0 union all select 1,username from users" will be converted to "...and(1)=(0)union all select 1,username from users". To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add parenthesis
  • regex
  • This filter recieves a regular expression and a replacement as arguments and executes the regular expression, and replaces the matched text with the replacement given. This can be used to bypass some specific filters, which may not be as common as others. To enable this filter, execute:
    Note that you might want to use quotes around the regular expression or the replacement if they contain spaces:
    qfilter add regex 'union all' union
    This will replace the string "union all" with the word "union".
  • space2comment
  • This filter can be used when an IPS rule detecs strings like "union all select" ignoring their case. In this case, the "case" filter will not work, since "UnION AlL selECt" will be also detected. The space2comment filter replaces spaces with the string "/**/". This will be useful only under certain dbms, like Mysql and SQL Server. This filter will convert queries like "... and 1=0 union all select username,1 from users" to "... and/**/1=0/**/union/**/all/**/select/**/username,1/**/from/**/users". To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add space2comment
  • space2newline
  • This filter serves the same purpose as space2comment. space2newline converts queries like "... and 1=0 union all select username,1 from users" to "... and\n1=0\nunion\nall\nselect\nusername,1\nfrom\nusers" where "\n" is the newline character(note that this will be urlencoded to "%0a". To enable this filter, execute:
    qfilter add space2newline
Request filters
These are applied to the whole request(including URL, headers, method, etc), before sending it. So far there is only one request filter, the "uri_changer" filter. You can read about it in the article "How to write a mole request filter", which explains how to create a filter, and as an example, creates and explains the uri_changer filter.
Response filters
These are applied to the response provided by the server. Sometimes The Mole requires that the html returned by the server contains certain properties, like being pseudo-well-formed, that is, that for example the html or body tags are not closed in the middle of the html. In this case, if the needle is located after the html or body tags are closed, The Mole will fail to exploit the SQL Injection. Therefore, response filters try to sanitize the html so that it fits The Mole's requirements.
There are several response filters:
  • html_pretifier
  • This filter does exacly what was mentioned above, removes the "", "", "" and "" tags in order to fix those malformed html files. In order to enable it, execute:
    responsefilter add html_pretifier
  • regex_rem
  • This filter removes the next matched by a given regular expression. This might be usefull if the html is highly malformed(note that The Mole supports injections that return malformed html, but sometimes, they're just way too malformed. In order to enable it, execute:
    responsefilter add regex_rem REGULAR_EXPRESSION
    Remember that you can quote the regular expression if it contains spaces.
  • regex_rep
  • This filter serves the same purpose as the "regex_rem", but receives a string that will be used as a replacement for the matched strings. In order to enable it, execute:
    responsefilter add regex_rem REGULAR_EXPRESSION REPLACEMENT
  • script_error_filter
  • This filter is enabled by default. Sometimes when the target server's scripts are configured in such a way that when they have errors, an error message is echoed(for example, the "Warning: blabla on line 222" warning echoed by PHP). These strings make The Mole miss some injections. Therefore, this filter removes those error strings(at least some of them, we will be adding more as we step with them. So far only PHP errors are filtered).
Note that to remove a filter, execute the corresponding command(qfilter, responsefilter or request filter), using the "del" argument and the name of the filter to remove. For example:
qfilter del between

Serial Number / ID Tinta Epson L100, L200, L800

Kali ini saya akan sharing tentang Serial Number / ID Tinta Epson L100, L200, L800. langsung saja ya...

Disini saya akan mencoba berbagi Serial Number / ID Tinta Epson L100, L200, L800. >>

Serial Number / ID Tinta Epson L100, L200 (4 Botol Tinta)

Black ID Tinta :
445 - 645 - 6UD - E7VQ
X52 - 4HD - UVR - ZYRC
YVJ - FAW - J92 - QUES
VYM - 8WZ - 5F2 - RMQ3
B3M - QUH - 5ZB - YE8Z
TW7 - 6UE - BN4 - L8MB
63C - 8CD - DDQ - 55DA
A6X - 4HV - DQ9 - X3BZ
38J - 7W3 - 7WF - AL2B
H7R - HJK - FFU - P6EM
VB5 - 3TW - TVE - 9PAP

Magenta ID Tinta :
VKT - 3N8 - K3S - EDQR
LDR - 2EA - 6KL - 4KCP
K5X - AW3 - VDU - X8GN
FEA - 8Q8 - UZM - B7U5
9A2 - E8J - BH9 - 8D6Z
F7B - 339 -ED2 - J4UA
X4H - PNM - 2V5 - DGNZ
22L - AML - DVU - 9RK9
72W - J3K - 4BE - L7KG
EG2 - JSH - 6HY - KBX5

Yellow ID Tinta :
DN4 - 5BE - S26 - NMY5
ALQ - W9G - 92W - YDMN
PPZ - FTN - 6TL - D8EZ
QDB - L3C - 5NU - TP5G
VPT - 36F - A3E - KW7E
7XG - B4Q - QFZ - XCJG
HM9 - JVZ - LQ3 -H4BA
5G3 - VR3 - HPU - 6XDZ
77X - 5CP - 527 - H4JZ
ADE - BRE - Z8S - JR6J

Cyan ID Tinta :
vbm - L3q - 4wp - v2te
Y2A - VBR - QBZ - XD3Q
H2X - 4UX - 7X9 - 4KCP
B84 - RUA - MM7 - UY85
JSL - 5PU - 5HL - QQBF
CL4 - CQB - HUG - Y53P
A92 - Y6J - YTM - 55VZ
DY5 - 744 - DTS - CR4A
J44 - 5LP - 2QL - WCWP
B94 - MK2 - UXJ - 2BGE
4ND - YSC - M3G - VGNC

Serial Number / ID Tinta Epson L800 (6 Botol Tinta)

Black ink bottle ID:

Cyan ink bottle ID:

Light Cyan ink bottle ID:

Magenta ink bottle ID:

Light Magenta ink bottle ID:

Yellow ink bottle ID:

Bagi yg tidak ingin menggunakan Serial Number atau ID Tinta, bisa menggunakan alternatif software WIC Reset Utility. Silahkan Baca di sini

Cara Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 tanpa SN ID Tinta

Anda Pengguna Epson L100, L200, atau L800 ? Trik kali ini patut anda coba. Pengalaman kali ini adalah tentang Cara Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 tanpa SN ID Tinta. Mari langsung ke TKP.

Printer Epson Seri L100, L200, L800 adalah printer infus resmi dari vendor Epson. Jika Ink Level Epson L100, L200 atau L800 menunjukkan posisi kosong / empty, maka biasanya Anda harus memasukkan SN ID Tinta Epson yang tertera di botol Tinta Epson.

Trik Kali ini adalah tentang Cara Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 tanpa SN ID Tinta. Jadi anda tidak perlu lagi memasukkan SN ID Tinta Epson ketika Ink Level L100, L200, L800 menunjukkan posisi kosong / empty.

Cara Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 tanpa SN ID Tinta :
  • Download Program Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800  ===> DI SINI
  • Extract File Reset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 dengan menggunakan 7 ZIP. Jika belum punya silahkan Download  ===> DI SINI.
  • Program reset Ink Level ini namanya WIC Reset Utility. Instal program tersebut di komputer anda. Caranya : double klik WIC(x32).exe => Next 4x => Install => Finish.
  • Setelah itu Jalankan WIC Reset Utility yang telah anda install. Jangan lupa Printer anda harus dalam keadaan ON dan terkoneksi dengan komputer.
  • Perlu di ingat : Program WIC Reset Utility hanya bisa mereset Ink Level Epson L100, L200, L800 yang sudah kosong yang ditandai dengan tanda "SERU". 
  • Setelah WIC Reset Utility di buka, pilih jenis printer epson anda. Kemudian Klik Reset Inks ==> Continue : klik YES ==> Klik Done. 

  • Setelah itu, Matikan Epson L100, L200, L800 anda. Dan kemudian hidupkan kembali, maka Ink Level Epson anda akan ter reset dan kembali FULL tanpa harus memasukkan kode SN ID Tinta Epson Original.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.
# sumber:.